Do your dental tools streamline your day and make your procedures easier? Or do they frustrate you and add to the day-to-day stress of running a dental practice? Zest Dental Solutions is constantly striving to improve our product and service offerings to make your job easier and more rewarding. As such, the LOCATOR FIXED® Enhanced Core Tool has been specifically tailored according to feedback from loyal customers who have used the Original Core Tool day in and day out.
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This convenient tool is used to carry the LOCATOR Abutment and place it onto the implant. It is also utilized for removal and seating the Males from/into the Denture Cap. In order to achieve 30Ncm of torque, the Abutment Driver portion of the tool is designed with a 1.25mm (.050") internal hex feature which is compatible with various types of restorative drivers.
LOCATOR 3-IN-1 Core Tool
- Removal Tool: The Removal Tool has a sharp edge on the end to engage and remove the Male from the Denture Cap.
- Seating Tool: The Seating Tool is used to seat the LOCATOR Male.
- Abutment Driver & Sleeve: The Abutment Driver with the Abutment Holder Sleeve carries the Abutment securely and places it onto the implant.
Technique Manual
Instructions for Use