Torque Indicating Ratchet Wrench

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Torque Indicating Ratchet Wrench
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Torque Indicating Ratchet Wrench (SKU: 07362-M)

The Torque Indicating Ratchet Wrench is a 70 NCM square connection torque wrench and used for the final surgical placement of LOCATOR Implants. It will allow implants to be torqued up to 70 NCM to bone level. 

Torque Indicating Ratchet Wrench is compatible with the following drivers:

  • SKU: 08926 - LOCATOR square driver torque wrench insert
  • SKU: 04936 - LOCATOR R-Tx .050 (1.25mm) Hex driver
  • SKU: 10028 - LOCATOR F-Tx square driver

The Torque Indicating Ratchet Wrench is NOT compatible with Latch type drivers. 

Package includes: Torque Indicating Ratchet Wrench and thumb knob (SKU: 07463-M)