How Do I Choose the Correct Abutment Analog?

A:  LOCATOR analogs come in two different lengths:

The 4.0 analog is Locator's standard size.

The 5.0mm analogs are used when there is a wide platform implant or in a LOCATOR Root system case that needs an impression taken of the system. 

The portion of the analog which appears above the stone model is the same for both analogs. LOCATOR housings and inserts will work as expected with both. The only difference between the two are the lengths of the analog post. 

LOCATOR analogs in stone model

For more information on how to use LOCATOR analogs, please refer to the LOCATOR Technique Manual.



LOCATOR analogs come in two different lengths:

The 4.0 analog is Locator's standard size.

The 5.0mm analogs are used when there is a wide platform implant or in a LOCATOR Root system case that needs an impression taken of the system. 

The portion of the analog which appears above the stone model is the same for both analogs. LOCATOR housings and inserts will work as expected with both. The only difference between the two are the lengths of the analog post. 

LOCATOR analogs in stone model

For more information on how to use LOCATOR analogs, please refer to the LOCATOR Technique Manual.


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